Thursday, February 27, 2014

Europe After Napoleon

 Europe goverments were looking to establish long lasting peace and stability on the continet. they wanted security, vienna was a meeting to make that happen.they meet in the congress of vienna and there goal was to gain stability. some goals for france are to prevent future french aggression. they wanted to restore a balance of power. they also wanted to restore europes royal families.balence of power is to make sure that every county have the same amount of power in a legit way.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

bolivar and jefferson

jefferson was born into one of the most wealthiest families in virginia.jefferson was born on april 13 1743. jefferson is the author of the american declaration of independence. He also is the thierd president of the united states.Thomas jefferson died in 1826. jefferson was a racist slave owner and both parents died at the age of nine.if bolivar or jefferson wasent born i do not think that we will have all of our natrual rights.
bolivar amired the american revolution and the french revolution. bolivar moved to spain in 1749 aafter his parents died. bolivar was married in 1802 and born july 24th 1783 .bolivar died in 1830. he was also a general and born in caracas.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Venezuela and the enlightmentent

     Venezuela capital is caracas. The president name is nicolas maduro and the continent is south america. Veneezuela's official language is spanish and the population is 29,100,000 people. Venezuela gained there independence in 1830 and baseball is one of there major sports. Venezuela also have a small income per capita its 12,785.
  Citizens are unhappy in venezuela because of the lack of jobs and high murder rates.There is alot of people with no job and many people dying for trying to support there family. Venezuela is at need and i think if things dont get better there will be  big revolution.
  The president is nicolas maduro and he replaced hugo chavez. He became the president 10 months after hugo chavez resiegiend. Nicolas maduro is still the current prsident.
   The oppositition is college students and they are angry because its hard to get jobs and there murder rate is super high. venezuela economy rate is crumbling .If the students stay angry i think that there will be a riot or a bloody revolution.
 In my opinion the american revolution is the closet one to venezuela. I think that because they have to fight for what they want and we had to do the same thing. finding jobs and murder rates in america is similar to  venezuela.

Friday, February 21, 2014

american rev questions

some basic facts about the american revolution is that it started in 1775-1783. it was england vs. the english citizens in america. they faught in the original 13 colonies which are PA,NY,MA,Ri,CT,NJ,DE,MD,VA,NC,SC,GA.

french revolution bp3

The french revolution was inspired by the american revolution. It inspired many french people seeking reform monarchy,french saw american as the fulfillment of enlightment. they wanted liberty,equality,and democracy. the members of the 3rd estate was dissatisfied because they paid alot of there money and they didnt have access to a good job

Thursday, February 20, 2014

blog post registered

Essential Documents of the enlightment

   The due process limits the power of the king and states that laws should be known and orderly including independent courts which determines if you are guilty of a crime or not. The due process is important because without lots of innocent people will be in jail.
   Polpular Sovereignty is power that comes from the people. it is essential in a domocracy because we elect our president .
 I think that unalienable rights are essential because those are your natrual rights.
   represenative government is when you vote for someone to represent you in government. american colonist expected to have the rights granted in england by the magna carta and the english bill of rights because of thier traditions as citizens of england.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The united states should not be involved in the syria war

    Lots of blood, broken families, and kids scared to go to sleep, syrias civil war is the cause of this. syrias population is 21.1 millon peolple and a majority of them is involved in the war. Not only adults but also little kids. The men that is citizens to syria life expectancy is 74 years old. Syria has been victems to many invasions and has seen many occupations.
  I dont believe that the united states should get involved in the syrian civil war. I know that they need help but the U.S cannot afforde to lose more troops and they can not afford wasting the money on something that has nothing to do with us. I think that the U.S should just worry about the problems that we are in today and move forward from there. Many people have forgotten about the the Iraq and Afghanistan war that the U.S have faught in and all of the troops that we have lost. I strongly dont think that the U.S should get invoved in the syrian war.
  Another reason why I think that we shouldent get involved is because of money issues. The U.S do not have enough money for more weapons and to send our troops out to fight inside of a new war. It is not fair that our troops family will have to worry abt them being safe inside of another war that they had nothing to do with. Also while all of our troops are dying and being sent to multiple wars noone will be able to keep us safe. So the U.S should not get involved in another war.
  To the people that says yes we should get involved in the syrian war i disagree with them. I think that they should research and get facts before they judge on what we should do.I know that the war is sad and many people is dying but I think that the U.S should not get involved.
  The United States should not get involved in the Syrian war. Many of our troops have already died because of wars that they have faught in already. I strongly feel that the United States should not get involved in another countrys war.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

what started the tunisia revolution?

the tunisia revolution was started from the act of mohamed bouazizi a 26 year old unemployed man who was trying to provide for his family.