Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Open Letter to an incoming history student

    When I first started this World History class some of my expectations were to have a teacher that was strict and stayed lecturing the whole class atleast three days out of the week. I also expected the class to have to be quiet most of the time doing individual work.
 The diffrences between what i expected and what was reality was totally opposite. The class did not have to be quiet all of the time, the teacher was one of the best, and if you hate history this teacher can make you like it.

 The most important thing that I learned being in this class was to get your work done. When you messed around and work wasent being done it does not only effect you but it effects your class period.

 One thing that I would do diffrently is get all of my work done on time and even try to finish it correctly the day that it was assigned. I would also encourage people to care more about there grade.

One way that I can achieve more success is by working hard and keep pushing through the things that I didnt know.

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