Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Open Letter to an incoming history student

    When I first started this World History class some of my expectations were to have a teacher that was strict and stayed lecturing the whole class atleast three days out of the week. I also expected the class to have to be quiet most of the time doing individual work.
 The diffrences between what i expected and what was reality was totally opposite. The class did not have to be quiet all of the time, the teacher was one of the best, and if you hate history this teacher can make you like it.

 The most important thing that I learned being in this class was to get your work done. When you messed around and work wasent being done it does not only effect you but it effects your class period.

 One thing that I would do diffrently is get all of my work done on time and even try to finish it correctly the day that it was assigned. I would also encourage people to care more about there grade.

One way that I can achieve more success is by working hard and keep pushing through the things that I didnt know.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

U.S. and russia in ww1 BP21

 The united states got involved in ww1 because of unrestricted submarine warfare(ships sunk). Germany wanted to  help Mexico out by sending them a note and it ended up in the united states hands which made all of our soldiers mad. In 1917 everything with the war started to began and any ship that got close to England was to be sunk.

Over some time Russia quit the battle and war because they suffered to much. Russia spent most of their money on weapons and that still didn't work because they lost nearly 5.5 million people to the war. There wasn't just deaths but some people were killed,sick,our took en to prison. in 1918 the Russians signed a treaty and gave up the war.

Germany started to feel confident about the war because they did not have to fight lots of people anymore they just had to fight France.Germany felt like a weight has been lifted off of there shoulders because they did not have to worry about getting attacked from both sides.

 The Americans came into the war prepared and the German country did not want to fight anymore. The war ended in 1918 on November 11th in the 11th hour so now every year on that date we celebrate and we call the day veterans day. Millions of people died and the celebration is to give thanks to all of our troops.

 A total  of 65 million people fought but there was high numbers of death from each side of the war. There has never been a war that had the whole world involved in it. the war cost 338 billion dollars in damage. paying for all of the damages was the closing of ww1 and things calmed down for a minute even though both sides were still angry. Hitler began a movement and it could be the start of ww2 =[.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

ww1 19

   World war 1 was one of the biggest wars that the united states participaited in. I call it the bloody war while some others might call it The great war or the war to end all wars. My estimate of the amounts of death was no where near the total. The real estimate is around 14 millon people and a little over 2 millon germans died.The war costed the allies 190 billon dollars back then. Beforen the war started europeans were living peacefull and properous. World War 1 ended on july 28th in 1914 but that wasent it. There were two sides of the war there was the allies which had france,great britan,italy,russia, and the u.s then there was the central poweer which had germany, ottoman empire, houlgaria, and germany. i believe that ww1 made the world a better place.

Friday, April 11, 2014

imperialism in southeast african bp15

Much of  imperialism took place in Europe because of the variety of power throughout the continent.Imperialism is an unequal human and territorial relationship, usually in the form of an empire based on ideas of superiority. An example is when a stronger country takes over a weaker country and took overthere economic and political systems
The African countries weren't organized, they were divided into many groups of ethnicity and language. Later on this would help Africa defend themselves from the other countries.
 (Africa had an abundance of raw materials and a place to sell the goods. which European country's wanting to have a marketing system.
The country was hard to take over due to the terrain,jungles,forest and the water surrounding them. They fought against the Dutch and Britain. 
Yes there were always fighting between the other countries like Britain Germany and Africa (Zulu). Often colonist and Dutch fought between themselves for example they competed over farming which led to problem

imperialism to southeast asia bp.16

  Imperialism is a good and bad thing that took place on this earth and it possibly still is. Imperialism is when stronger country or nations take over a weaker one. Imperalism took place in southeast asia and the effect of that was the economy grew and railroads were created.
  places along the pacific rim played a big role in imperalism because thats what the other countries wanted to take and colonize.The pacific rim is asian countries that borders the pacific ocean. many people wanted them places because of the minireals and oil that they had.
 The french,brittish, and dutch were all involved in the imperalism act and they went to southeast asia to take it over. They also went to southeast asia to get sugar canes ,coconuts,rubber, and pineapples. they wanted those things so they can go out and sell it for more to make more money.l
 social darwinism also happend. some terms for social darwinism can be the survival of the fittest because only the stronger last. brittish did something smart and started to hire other people like the chinnese.
  Brittish hired alot of chinesse people and they moved to malysia and became most of the population.  Brittish colonies became stronger because they had more people. the dutch believed that they can go anywhere that they wanted. i feel that imperialism is good but also bad in a way.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Threats to capitalism [BP14]

 On march 15,2014 Jeremy Rifkin wrote an artical based off of his opinion on capitalism. The New York times took over the artical and it contained marginal cost which is the dollar amount associated with producing one additional item of a particular product.
 Each day the marginal cost is coming closer to zero and Rifkin believes that that is a threat to capitalism. Rifkins said that this is a paradox because eachday more products such as movies,music,and other goods are being produced but no profit is made from them. With the new technology that there is today people are able to download for free and all of the hard work goes to waiste in a way. If this was to keep happening people businesses would go downhill and cause bad market problems.
  The first problem that Rifkin reconized that was a big problem in market forces was napster. Napster was something that allowed people to download for free.With people downloading for free people could get with they want but all of the hard work that others did to succeed went away. To avoid this problem I believe that market forces should look into what they there items on.
  Adding things into the problems that businesses already face can better things but at the same time they can make things worst. With all of the new types of technology and phones people can hook there divices up to the computer and change whats on a site, and they can update and download for free. Them things can make stuff better and can hurt things.
  I agree with Rifkins analysis because bringing the marginal cost down closer to zero will cause some people to stop making money because certain things will drop down to being free. When the items become free its like a giveway no artist or company or site will be making a profit from all of the work that they put in. I also believe that capitalism will always take place in this world and we can only do things to help it but it will never totally be gone.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

soc.media vs.i.r

 during the industrial revolution peoples life changed and they recieved a better quality of it. Some peoples work life changed bc people was suffering kids had to work and the amount of hours that they worked daily. at the end of the week the amount of hours that people worked back then doubles our time today.The middle class and the higher working class did not get alone and the lower classes were mad because they basically got the left overs. The industrial revolution created jobs for more people and filled up the cities. the social media influences people to do things that they wont do normally and it also creates a way bfor family members and friends to reach eachother all over the world. social medias ruin peoples life in a way if they adapt to everyone elses needs and wants but it can also make peoples life happier. facebook,instagram,snap chat, twitter, vine etc... are all examples of social medias.