Tuesday, March 11, 2014

soc.media vs.i.r

 during the industrial revolution peoples life changed and they recieved a better quality of it. Some peoples work life changed bc people was suffering kids had to work and the amount of hours that they worked daily. at the end of the week the amount of hours that people worked back then doubles our time today.The middle class and the higher working class did not get alone and the lower classes were mad because they basically got the left overs. The industrial revolution created jobs for more people and filled up the cities. the social media influences people to do things that they wont do normally and it also creates a way bfor family members and friends to reach eachother all over the world. social medias ruin peoples life in a way if they adapt to everyone elses needs and wants but it can also make peoples life happier. facebook,instagram,snap chat, twitter, vine etc... are all examples of social medias.

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