industrailization is a process of developing machines production of goods. natural resources such as water power, coal,iron,and rivers , also harbors. the industrail revolution began in england in the 1700s . the first step to this revolution was to feed more people for less money (cheapper).with the industrial revolution there was new innovations,using science to to make money, moving off farms into cities, transportation, and the childeren that began to work in factories. some problems created through this revolution was pollution and lack of housing. to reduce some of the problems i would try to burn less fuels just enough to get what was needed The industrial revolution has helped in good and bad ways because people started to get convinced by other people to do childish things and the goood way is even though your not having fun with someone physically your still with them throught the pictures and post that people upload. so the industrial revolution is a good thing that happend to us but living in the industrial revolution is something bad..
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